Nerd Rage on MySQL and Postgres
MySQL vexes me SOOOOO MUCH. Why not just use PostgreSQL?
I know, I know, you’re thinking, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t even know how to pronounce those two things.”
So, MySQL can just be pronounced “my squeal,” and PostgreSQL can simply be pronounced “post gres.” There, one part down.
Choosing a database is a developer thing, I guess. But… WHY? Here comes the classic car analogy.
On the left, we’ve got the MySQL coupe.
It’s kinda plain looking. It has a history of doing unexpected things, like not stopping when you press the brakes, and continuing to accelerate when you release the gas. It looks like any normal car, but there are some rather devious things under the hood, and is definitely not “standards compliant.”
On the right, we’ve got the PostgreSQL coupe.
It looks sleeker, more like a sports car than a run-of-the-mill coupe. Even though it costs the same as the MySQL coupe. It does everything you expect it to. Everything about it is standards-compliant.
So, why choose MySQL at all? Doing so has zero benefit. Choosing PostgreSQL means it’s actually pretty easy to convert to MySQL later (right… “hey, I’m trading in my Lamborghini Diablo for a No-Name Turdmobile).
If you’re a developer, and you’re working with a database, just use PostgreSQL. It will save you time in the end. SERIOUSLY.