My Drive
Recently, a friend and I had a conversation where he asked me how/where I get my drive. He said the last thing he wants to do when he gets home is code, or–in the case of many others–touch a computer.
I’m not 100% sure where my drive comes from, to be honest. It seems strange to say that I go home, after a long day of programming at work, and sit in front of the same laptop doing essentially the same thing.
So, here’s some things that seem like they might contribute to my drive. I’m been having some mental issues as of late, so I’m yet capable (or willing) to decide which is the biggest motivator… but here goes:
I want to eventually push some of the software I’ve developed to a paying audience. Through support contracts, through pay-for applications, or something. Somehow the software I’ve written should be able to support me.
If I manage to support my application development by being a published author, that would be okay too.
I’d really like to have a company where I can work with my friends. I have a couple of friends that are developers, and I really think it would be fun to work with them. Maybe on web application development, maybe on building some sort of game, or maybe working on books or something like that.
I love to learn new stuff. Not just anything, though, but stuff that interests me (I’m not going to learn Mandarin, for instance, because I don’t find it interesting nor useful).
I’ve decided against learning some things, though. Several of my friends and colleagues have tried to get me to learn Ruby, Python, and some other languages. And honestly, I just don’t find them interesting enough to pursue. Learning programming is hard, and I’ve already got quite a few of them under my belt.