13 March
Impending Server Changes
I’m going to be making some changes to the server. I recently had my server “hacked”, which was basically just some skiddie finding a way to post one of those pharmaceutical spam ads on a couple of my WordPress sites.

I’m taking this time to figure out a couple of things. The plan is:
- figure out how to use Let’s Encrypt for HTTPS (for TTORP, the Story Teller Forum, and my Fitness Forum).
- find a way to deploy + update WP sites via git (including initial setup)
- work on a better CMS for Crazed(Sanity) sites
- update my “deploy” system to work with GitHub and generic git (not just BitBucket.org)
That’s actually quite a bit of stuff. It’s going to take a while to get this all setup. It’s equally possible that I’ll post about impending downtime as I am to simply just do it: pretty much all my sites are (extremely) low traffic. So, there, I said it.