Comments Finally Available
I’ve wanted comments available for a long time.
Due to my lack of willingness to deal with spam, I disabled the standard commenting system in WordPress. For a while, I allowed it (though on a different website), but required them to be authenticated users… and they had to have at least one comment accepted… unfortunately, this only lead to an unmanageable number of bogus users being registered. I tried to cope.
I don’t cope with technical bullshit very well.
I’ve used Disqus before, many times, without problem, so I decided to go with that system. I installed the plugin, configured my account so there could be posts on a different website (using a different “category” or whatever), and POOF: nothing. Just like before I installed the plugin.
Comments were enabled (at least as far as I could tell)… nothing.
Went back to the default theme… nothing.
Removed all other plugins… nothing.
Followed Disqus’ “manual installation” instructions… NOTHING.
Finally, after fiddling with the code a bit, I forced the Disqus comments to show. Basically ignoring the check that determines if WP says that commenting is okay. For now, that’s just how it’s going to have to be.
So… START COMMENTING ALREADY! (Click on the title of the post if you don’t see a place to comment.)